This chapter explains what needs to be done to activate Rabobank iDEAL Professional or ING iDEAL Advanced in combination with cciDEAL Platform. Rabobank iDEAL Professional and ING iDEAL Advanced are almost the same system, but just follow the instructions for your iDEAL account.
The below steps only need to be done once per website and once per iDEAL account.
- Creating new certificates
- Configuring cciDEAL and adding the certificates
- Adding the certificates to the dashboards
- Complete the required test payments
- Activation of the iDEAL account
- A real payment
1. Creating new certificates
For these iDEAL accounts you will need to create certificates with the certificate generator.
- Our certificate generator automatically makes sure the validity period is 1825 days (5 years), not 10 years.
- Make sure you write down the "Private Key" you use in the certificate generator. For the Private Key, only use lowercase letters, no spaces, no special characters like $ # @, only letters and numbers and between 7 and 10 characters.
- The certificates will be emailed to the email address you use in the certificate generator. If you do not receive the email, also check your spam folder!
- Unzip the you find in the email.
- Login to your production iDEAL dashboard for your bank
- ING iDEAL production dashboard.
- Rabobank iDEAL production dashboard.
- In the iDEAL dashboard go to "Sign up" or "Aanmelden" in the left menu.
- Click on the "Activation" or "Activatie" tab.
- Upload the certificate cert.cer file that you found in the file from the email.
Write a reminder in your agenda (or tell your customer) to create new certificates 4 years from now!
2. Configuring cciDEAL and adding the certificates
- Now, open a browser and go to the administrator of the Joomla! website
- Once you are logged in, go to Components > cciDEAL Platform
- You now see the configuration of cciDEAL Platform.
- Start entering your preferred settings like your iDEAL account, the iDEAL account ID (a.k.a Merchant ID, Partner ID) etc). You can hover over the text to get a short explanation of what a certain setting does.
- It is important that you add the Private Key (see "Creating new certificates", step 2) in the correct field also.
- In the upload areas upload the two certificates you just created
- When the configuration is completed, click "Save"
3. Adding the certificates to the dashboards
ING Advanced
For ING Advanced, go to the
iDEAL test dashboard, and add the cert.cer certificate in Aanmeldproces > Configuratie. Make sure there is no other certificate, and otherwise remove the old one (wissen). Then go to the
iDEAL production dashboard, and add the cert.cer certificate in Profiel > Beveliging. Make sure there is no other certificate, and otherwise remove the old one (wissen).
Rabobank Professional
For Rabobank Professional, go to the
iDEAL test dashboard, and add the cert.cer certificate Aanmeldproces > Configuratie. Make sure there is no other certificate, and otherwise remove the old one (wissen). Then go to the
iDEAL production dashboard, and add the cert.cer certificate Profiel > Beveliging. Make sure there is no other certificate, and otherwise remove the old one (wissen).
4. Complete the required test payments
ING and Rabobank require that you complete 7 test payments of €1, €2, €3, €4, €5, €6 and €7 euros on the iDEAL test server, to verify that your cciDEAL Platform is setup correctly. Note that each test will have a different status/result, and some will have an error. This is normal! The test results are:
- Test 1 - Success
- Test 2 - Cancelled
- Test 3 - Expired
- Test 4 - Open
- Test 5 - Failure
- Test 6 - Directory request (Success)
- Test 7 - Format error
To do these tests, you need to create an menu-item in the front-end of your website to the "testing interface" in which you will preform these 7 test. To create a menu-item, please follow all steps here below. If you know how to make a menu-item to the "testing interface" than please proceed from step 4.
- Go to Joomla! Administrator > Menus > Main Menu and click on "New" in the top right of your screen
- Select "Test Form" at the cciDEAL Platform section for the "Menu item type"
- Fill in the "Menu Title", for example "iDEAL Test Form" and click on "Save & Close" in the top right of your screen
- Go to Components > cciDEAL Platform > iDEAL account, and set "iDEAL account status" to "Test"
- Go to the front-end of your website and go to the "iDEAL Test Form" you just created to preform the first test
- Open the iDEAL test dashboard (ING or Rabobank), and go to Aanmeldproces > Status. You can view the status of the iDEAL test payments here. When the first test is successful, it should have a green tick (groen vinkje) symbol.
- You can ignore the "Parameters" and do not have to fill in any of the URLs!
- Proceed now with the other remaining tests.
- Open the iDEAL test dashboard (ING or Rabobank), and go to Aanmeldproces > Status, and make sure all tests have a green tick (groen vinkje).
- You can ignore the "Parameters" and do not have to fill in any of the URLs!
- If all tests are completed correctly, you will need to wait until the bank accepts your test results and activates your iDEAL account. This can take up to 24 hours (on week days). The bank will e-mail you when they have activated your account. If you did not receive an e-mail after 2 days, send a support email in the Rabobank Dashboard or e-mail ING at [email protected].
5. Activation of the iDEAL account
After you received the e-mail from the bank, confirming your account is activated, you need to activate it yourself in the last step.
- Go to the Rabobank iDEAL production dashboard or the ING iDEAL production dashboard and log-in.
- Click on "Aanmelden" and then "Activeren".
- Confirm you want to activate the account.
- You can ignore the "Parameters" and do not have to fill in any of the URLs!
- Go to Joomla! Administrator > Components > cciDEAL Platform > Configuration and in the "iDEAL account" section set "iDEAL account status" to "Production" and save.
- Now, you might want to make sure your extension is set up correctly. Make sure you re-enable any functions (like shipping and taxes) that you might have turned off because you where doing the test payments.
6. A real payment
To make 100% everything is setup correctly, try to make a real payment in the website. If possible, make a cancelled payment (do not pay, click "annuleren" in the bank page) and a confirmed payment (pay a real amount). If both work, iDEAL is setup correctly.
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Từ khóa: iDEAL, ideal Professional, Rabobank